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2013: with the launch of ECOfree, Tonello takes denim ozone treatment to the next level.
2017: four years later, Tonello comes back to revolutionise the market with the latest evolution of its most avant-garde technology, even more efficient and higher performing.

In fact, the newest evolution of ECOfree allows you to treat your garments with ozone both in water and in air. Thanks to adopting cold plasma generators we are able to obtain higher concentrations of ozone with lower oxygen and electrical energy consumption compared with traditional systems.

An ecological process: lower consumption of electricity and water; shorter processing times; purification costs reduced to a minimum; absolute safety for the operator and for the final consumer: these are, very briefly, the benefits of the new ECOfree 2 that we detail below:

– 3 systems in one: washing machine able to treat with ozone in air and in water. This results in greater flexibility
– With the combination of both processes, ozone in the air and in the water, and traditional washes, new effects are obtained.

More information: Tonello Blog